Here David, from France! I make the diy label Kawaii rds, and write the french zine Mononoke. This is a scene-report about punk hardcore in France… Sure, it's not complete (coz there're many bands, labels…), but I think you can fine many contact here! If you when publish it in your zine, no problems!
Take care… and sorry for my bad english!!
FTX are from my area (Nevers city), and plays for soon 10 years. After a start like RAISED FIST, SHUTDOWN or MISCONDUCT, they made moved their super oldschool HC, powerful and energetic, worms of the tricks like CARRY ON, CHAMPION, BETRAYED, WHERE FEAR AND WEAPONS MEETS… they have already several discs (demo, split, mcd, album). One of the best band of the style, in France, and can be even in Europe! They make sometimes cover of SOIA, GORILLA BISCUIT or COMEBACK KIDS. These guy organise some HC show in their city.
http://www.ftxhardcore.fr.st/ http://www.myspace.com/ftxhxc
NINE ELEVEN, band from Tours, born from ashes of NO TIME TOO LOSE. They have a very personal and innovative style. Very modern HC oldschool, where the band privileges the melody and the intensity. The titles are very worked, with full chorus of guitars! Sometimes near to COMEBACK KID, BACKSIGHT, MILE AWAYS… Really unique. They have a MCD, a 3xway Split CD, and a very new album, which seems slightly harder. They also manage the FreeEdge festival (and label of the same name).
http://perso.orange.fr/notime/911/index.html http://www.myspace.com/nineeleven
FIRE AT WILL of Montpellier east one of the good surprise of the moment! HC oldschool very positive and melody, with an energy out of the common run and a strong desire of communication with the public. Their singer (a truth frontman) also manages the label Eternalis rds. I would locate them between BANE and BETTER THAN A THOUSAND! A MCD of available, and participation in various compile.
BACKSIGHT are from South of France (Avignon), and practical with brilliance, a very modern hardcore oldschool, alloy effective of melodies, mosh and fast part. The influences are near BANE, COMEBACK KID, NO CHOICE ONE THIS MATTER, FC FIVE, STAY GOLD… They have just made a European tour, with Malaysian band SECOND COMBAT! They have two albums, of which split with KIDS ONE THE MOVE, also from Malaysia!!
GETLOST, from Paris, is maybe the only French band 100% straight edge!! Their oldschool is much more direct, compared to the other French oldschool bands. The influence major names FLOORPUNCH, but also CARRY ON or INTERNAL AFFAIRS! It is fast and that mosh like good youthcrew!
http://www.getxlost.tk http://www.myspace.com/getlost
BY MY FIST exists since 2002, and are from Nancy. Their HC is a mixture of NYHC and oicore!! Big chorus, big voice, big mosh, and big energy which gives desire for moving like a nuts! Moreover, they sing in French, which is very rare in the hardcore! Two CD left.
http://www.xxartcorexx.com/bmf/ http://www.myspace.com/bymyfists
REVIVE, from Paris, plays since 2000. I do not know all those which they carried out, except their new album, on Eternalis rds. It is very modern HC oldschool, melodies, mosh, power, control… near to COMEBACK KIDS, ENSIGN or STAY GOLD.
SHORTER THAN FAST, young bands from La Rochelle, make a sympathetic HC, with French song. Their demo shows an influence to see near STREGHT ARM STRONG, BANE, CASEY JONES, RAISED FIST…
TROUBLE EVERY DAY has existed for 5 years, and are from Nantes city! Their style moves between hardcore 80's and punk melody. That's sounds very fresh and involving, similar to DESCENDANTS, ADOLESCENTS, LIFETIME, RKL, DAG NASTY… A demo and a recent album on Crapoulet rds!
http://troubleeveryday.propagande.org/ http://www.myspace.com/troubleeveryday44
RIGHT FOR LIFE, from Nantes, are since ten year, the spearhead of oldschool HC in France. A very effective and square style, old to newschool, influenced by SOIA, SHUTDOWN, YOUTH OFF TODAY, MADBALL, CROMAGS… Several albums are available! On the other hand the group comes just from broke this summer!
BUNKUM must exist since 1998, but have summers rather discrete until now. HC which comes from the street, way SICK OF IT ALL, WARZONE, or nearer to us, R4L. Soon a second album!
FOR THE REAL, are still from Nantes, and play since 2005. HC oldschool in New York way, near CROMAGS, MADBALL or WARZONE. Their first MCD is a good invitation to moshing!
TROMATIZED YOUTH, always from Nantes, and includes almost same the line-up as FOR THE REAL! And the music is rather similar, can be more direct, way of JUDGE or AGNOSTIC FACE. In fact it is a concept band on the film "The Toxic Avenger"! A MCD is available!
http://tromatizedyouth.free.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/tromatizedyouth
BEAR IN MIND is a young band, and making a very good demo (makes some, it is second, but their current style does not have any more large-thing to see). Modern HC oldschool, with good melodies and mosh which knocks, near to FTX, COMEBACK KID, SECTION 8 or FIRST FAILURE! A band to be followed!
GANG CHAIN has acted in the shade for soon 10 years. A powerful style and enough NYHC, with a second album in preparation. On this last, the texts will be in French! Musically, one can bring them to RYKERS, COMIN' CORRECT, MADBALL or BACKFIRE!
http://gangchain.info/ http://www.myspace.com/gangchain
DEJECTED, from Besancon, balances their sauce since 2002. Very typified 80's, their sound borrows as much from the punk one, as to thrash-metal, like a crossover near CROMAGS, SPUDMONSTERS, SOD or LEEWAY! Their first album left on a label from Quebec!
http://www.dejected.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/dejectedmusic
GOLDEN DISTRICT, young band from Nantes, mosh as fuck, with its heavy and hard HC, mixture of STRAIN, INTEGRITY, MADBALL or PITBOSS 2000! A MCD is available!
ATAXIA, from Dijon, as well as practices an old to newschool HC since the end of the 90's. Their sound mosh like MADBALL, 25 TALIFE, FIRST BLOOD, with in premium, a very politicised lyrics. Moreover the members are active in the squat movement. Two CD of carried out.
RED COLD SEASONS, includes members of ATAXIA, and knocks severe with a HC near to STRIFE or RAISED FIST! I believe that they have CD.
ISP, band of Valence city, which exists since ten year. They play an energetic and melody HC, with feeling punk. It's approaches the GORILLA BISCUIT, 7 SECONDS, CIV… CD and several 7 " left.
http://ispline2.free.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/ispline
BURNING HEADS, of Orleans city. One can say that it is the headlight band of the melodic HC, in activity since 1988!! Respect! A style which does not have to redden in front of BAD RELIGION, and surely more credible and sincere that all clones of NOFX or PENYWISE! Their music have sometimes reggae influences/dub! Several albums, and still not the big head!
http://burningheads.propagande.org/ http://www.myspace.com/burningheads
M SIXTEEN, are a band of Paris, melody tendency HC which discharges, line STRIKE ANYWHERE, PROPAGHANDI, DOWN BY LAW… Two albums I believe.
http://www.m-sixteen.com/ http://www.myspace.com/msixteen
BAXTER, they are young peoples from Poitiers, who make melodic punk, style NOFX and VULGAR MACHIN. They must have two CD.
http://www.baxterpunkrock.com/ http://www.myspace.com/baxterpunkrock
UNCOMINFROMMARS, play punk pop, with Californian influences, like NOFX, FACE TO FACE, LAG WAGON or DESCENDANTS. They have already many disc.
http://www.uncommonmenfrommars.net/ http://www.myspace.com/uncommonmenfrommars
RAVI is a band of Caen, which one can describe as emo-rock'n'roll, but still post-hardcore… To bring closer FUGAZY. At least 3 albums very classes!
http://ravi.music.free.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/ivar999
FLYING DONUTS, after beginnings (1996) more emo like HOT WATER MUSIC, this band from Nancy, are now, more in the rock'n'roll way of punk rock, while remaining melody. To arranges beside MEGA CITY FOUR, THE HELLACOPTERS, DOUGHBOYS… Several albums too.
http://www.flyingdonuts.net/ http://www.myspace.com/flyingdonuts
FAST FOR DECAY, are from Tours, and chooses very melodic hardcore, with a big potato, to put with PENYWISE, MILLENCOLLIN and another SATANIC SURFERS! A MCD must be ready.
HOGWASH of Paris, are clearly influenced by LAG WAGON, NO USES FOR A NAME and NOFX. Very beautiful melodic HC! An album and a EP.
SIDE EFFECT, it is good sound, style F MINUS, RANCID, or BOUNCING SOULS, with a female vocal. I do not know if the band make CD, but it is not badly!
DAED POP CUB, emo-pop from Paris, since the end of the 90's. At least 3 albums, influenced by SAMIANS, HOT WATER MUSIC, GIRLS VS BOYS, NRA or WEEZER.
http://deadpopclub.free.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/deadpopclub
KICKBACK, band of Paris in activity since more than 10 years. A very brutal style and dark, near to INTEGRITY, MERAUDER or NEGLECT. Rather violent attitude on scene, and frequent provocation against the kids. They must have at least 4 albums.
APOCALYSPE NOW, it is HC very metal and heavy, way HATEBREED or BORN FROM BREAD. Must have 2 albums available.
http://korninblood.free.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/apocalypsenow666
BENSOUSSAN are from Nevers city, and balances direct brutal HC, way TERROR, MADBALL, THROWDOWN, or BIOHAZARD. They are in the search of a label!
PRIMAL AGE, after a break of several years, they are back with a new album more powerful than ever! Vegan death-core sinks, in the same kind as ARKANGEL, ALL OUT WAR or DAYS OFF SUFFERING.
http://www.primal-age.com http://www.myspace.com/primalage
FAT SOCIETY is a band of Toulouse, working in brutal hardcore, near to the beginnings of KICKBACKS or HATEBREED. Much mid-tempo for moshing! Two albums.
http://www.fat-society.com/ http://www.myspace.com/fatsociety
STUBBORN, hardcore newschool, very near to KICKBACK. They have an album.
NONE SHALL BE SAVED, are from Marseilles, and chooses a sound well metal, of Belgian influence, ARKANGEL with feeling about H8000 crew! They have at least an album.
DISTURB, it is brutal hardcore of Marseilles, influenced by HATEBREED, MADBALL, SKARHEAD, DEVIATE… Soon a third album I think.
http://www.disturb13.tk/ http://www.myspace.com/disturb
UNFIT, brutal HC of Toulon, between BLOOD FOR BLOOD and KNUCKLEDUST. They must have two CD.
THRASHINGTON cd., is a super Britain band (the continuation of GRAYHOUND), and the guys send thoroughly hardcore to tears off, in a fast and punk way, like DS13, TEAR IT UP, CUT THE SHIT or LIMP WRIST! After a demo (Split with SPITFAST of Japan), they have a new and very beautiful LP! This is Brest metropolis océane not venice beach!!
http://www.thrashingtondc.tk/ http://www.myspace.com/thrashingtondc
YOUSSOUF TODAY, in addition to having the name of band more class, they smash all, with blow of youthcrust way BETTERCORE!! It's crazy!! Currently two 7 " of realised.
STRONG AS TEN, from Metz, which plays thrashcore of nutcase, still better than MUNICIPAL WASTE, DRI or BONES BRIGADE! The madness! They have two 7 " and one LP.
DFI, from Tours, with for the moment a demo, and soon a split 7 " with UNLOGISTIC! Musicaly, it is direct fastcore, like DROPDEAD, CHARLES BRONSON, DEADFALL…
http://fastcoreshit.free.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/fastcoreshit
KEN PARK, it is one of best the trick which arrived at the hardcore on our country! A pure style with old, direct, simple and aggressive, inspired by NEGATIVE APPROACH, REAGAN YOUTH, CIRCLE JERK… with a French song! They are from St Etienne, and carried out one 7 " and one LP.
UNLOGISTIC, from Paris, is rather unique. Mix of fast hardcore oldschool, of melody, emo part, rhythm-box… They said that their influences go from LIMP WRIST to MY BLOODY VALENTINE! Too much magic!! Two albums and some 7 ".
http://unlo.free.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/unlogistic
FACE UP TO IT! Are from Bordeaux, and make hardcore like 80's, really positive. It's near MINOR THREAT, TOTAL FURY or I OBJECT!! Some demo and 7" for the moment.
EXTREME CHEROKEE is from Rouen, and is a really funny band. Like thrashcore boosting with metal gimmicks! Crazy fucking with MUNICIPAL WASTE and MANOWAR!!! One demo and 7".
http://www.spirithorseoftheextremecherokee.com/ http://www.myspace.com/extremecherokee
SANTA CRUZ is a great new band from Nantes. They play like the first days of hardcore! Raw, with punk spirit, skateboard, like MINOR THREAT, SOA or BEASTIES BOYS! One demo and some 7" coming soon!
OPERATION EAT SHIT is a band from Lille, et kick your face with great fastcore, with femal vocal. It's near LOS CRUDOS, ETA, THE RITES or CAREER SUICIDE! Two split 7".
http://operationeatshit.fr.st/ http://www.myspace.com/operationxeatxshit
CHAROGNE STONE, is two guys from my area, and make as much noise tha 10 bands!! They mix crustcore-powerviolence-grind, like SPAZZ, IRON LUG or AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED! Two 7", and some compilation.
http://charognestone.new.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/charognestone
BLOCKHEADS, furious grindcore from Nancy, in activity than 15 years now! Fast and solid music, like the first NAPALM DEATH, but more powerful and violent!! Lyrics are politic and attitude totally punk! I think they make 5 full-length.
http://www.blockheads-grindcore.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/blockheads
VOMIT FOR BREAKFAST from St Etienne, and play than more 10 years. The begin was more powerviolence, but now, the band is more crust dbeat, inspired by DROPDEAD, SIEGE, CROSSED OUT or COCHE BOMBA. Several 7" and 1 LP.
http://la.france.pue.free.fr/vfb/ http://www.myspace.com/fastbreakfast
REMORSE are from Clermont Ferrand. This guys devastating all, with a mix of cold grindcore and crazy mathcore parts!! It's very intense, and near NASUM, MASTODON and AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED!! A second CD is on the way.
http://site.voila.fr/remorse http://www.myspace.com/remorsegrind
CHAOS ZZZ, band from St Etienne, not really old. They make one 7", and it's totally dbeat bomb, like DISCHARGE and DISCHARGE!!!
http://la.france.pue.free.fr/chaoszzz/ http://www.myspace.com/chaoszzz
MUNDA DI MIERDO, cool crustcore from Paris, with some percussion! Near bands like FLEAS AND LICE!
KRAP NEK, from Bourgogne area, and make great crustcore with female vocal. You can compare with KONTROVERSE, RADIO BIKINI, or the bands of PUTRID FILTH rds! For the moment, only one demo and split 7".
GASMASK TERROR are guys from Bordeaux, and dbeat master!!! Raw music inspired by the old bands from Scandinavia, Japan, and of course DISCHARGE!!! One 7" and LP.
SYLVESTER STALLINE it's crazy powerviolence, like HELLNATION, FUCK ON THE BEACH or YACOPSAE!! Some 7" and 1 LP.
SICKNESS, fat crustcore from Auch! You can imagine DOOM, DRILLER KILLER, ENT or SKITSYSTEM!!! One album, and some 7".
ELYSIUM kick your face with total grind, like OPSTAND, BRUTAL TRUTH, RUPTURE… Some split and compilation.
HUMAN COMPOST new band from Besançon, between crustcore and metal parts, like MASSMORD, MONSTER or LEADERSHIT! One LP and split 7".
http://www.humancompost.cjb.net/ http://www.myspace.com/humancompost
THE TAN CASE, is a young band from Monceau Les Mines. Their music breath the passion! Intense screamo music, with some intimate parts. It's royal! Maybe better than YAGE, YAPHET KOTO or FUNERAL DINER!!! Great demo is available!
http://www.orchidscent.com http://www.myspace.com/thetancase
HIRO, new band from Besançon, born after the end of GANTZ. Emocore all in intensity and lightness! The band make a split CD with BRUME RETINA, another emo band from France.
http://www.hiro.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/hiromuzik
AGHAST are emocore from the South of France, and than AMANDA WOODWARD. One CD and some 7".
AMANDA WOODWARD are from Caen, and one is the most appreciate band in the emo scene. They make a style near ALCATRAZ or PEU ETRE. The band make a tour in the USA, and have some CD and 7".
http://www.amanda-woodward.com/ http://www.myspace.com/ladecadence
NESSERIA are from Orléans, et play chaotic HC with heavy and dissonant parts. You can compare with KNUT and CONVERGE. Two split CD are available.
SOFY MAJOR, post-hardcore really intense, from Clermont Ferrand. Their music is a mixture of emo and noise, similar to ENVY, FUNERAL DINER and THELMA 11. One maxi is available.
http://www.sofymajor.com/ http://www.myspace.com/sofymajor
DAITRO, from Lyon. It's intense screamo, near YAPHET KOTO, ENVY… Several disk, and a recent split with AMPERE!
HYACINTH, great emo from Metz, in the way of old French bands, like PEUT ETRE or FINGER PRINT! Really diy attitude. They make one 7" and LP.
CHACHI ARCOLA, this band from Montbrsion make heavy and dark emocore, near to ANANDA, SUBMERGE or TAKARU. One MCD and split 7".
http://chachiarcola.free.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/arcola
AGUIRRE is a young band from Monceau Les Mines, and make light but nervous emo, near SHOTMAKER, FUGAZY or 12 HOURS. I think they have a demo.
PARIS VIOLENCE, is a strange band (two guys?) from Paris. They mix minimalist oi punk with new wave and epic metal!!! The environment is cold and poetic!! Several LP and 7"
http://paris.violence.free.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/parisviolencehttpwwwmyspacecomparisviolence
NEVROTIC EXPLOSION, is a really good band from Britain, and plays punk rock like CLASH, SOCIAL DISTORTION or VOICE OF GENARATION! Several albums.
http://nevroticexplosion.free.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/nevroticexplosion
NEOPHYTE, punk-rock from Metz, enough personal, with melodic and NIRVANA touch! 3 albums.
http://www.neophyte-net.com/ http://www.myspace.com/neophytepunk
GUERILLA POUBELLE, is a big melodic and fun punk band, between BURNING HEADS and LEGITIME DEFONCE. Several CD are available.
http://www.guerilla-asso.com/ http://www.myspace.com/guerillaasso
DEJA MORT, basic punk from Bordeaux. Their style with rythm box remember the begin of BERURIER NOIR and METAL URBAIN. They make one MCD and 7".
http://www.dejamort.com/ http://www.myspace.com/dejamort
ATTENTAT SONORE, anarcho-punk from Limoges, in activity since 1988! The vocal is mixte, and the music is more street-punk now. Lyrics and attitude are diy and politic. The band don't make many stuff.
http://www.attentatsonore.com/ http://www.myspace.com/attentatsonore
LA FRACTION, this band from Paris is really listening in many country. They just come-back from a tour in USA. Their music is melodic, with soft female vocal, and politic lyrics. Three album are out.
PHASE TERMINAL, band from the North, active than 15 years! Raw anarchopunk, with many records.
CARTOUCHE, band from Paris, with ex-members from YA BASTA and KOCHISE. It's punk-rock with female vocal, enough melodic and rock'n'roll. A good mix of THE CLASH and BLONDIE!! New CD is out!
HORS CONTROLE, oi band from Monceau Les Mines. In the begin, it's just two guys, with a rhythm box. But now they have a real drummer. Music I simple and really federate! Three albums.
BRIXTON CATS, street-punk band from paris, with female vocal. Music is really angry, and this band is from the RASH. One great CD is just out!
BRIGADA FLORES MAGON, it's the leader of the RASH scene! Powerful and militant street-punk, remember CAMERA SILENS! The third CD is on the way.
THE JANITORS, skinhead band from La Rochelle, who make a really rock'n'roll punk, near BLITZ, 4 SKINS or SHAME 69! One album is available.
GUARAPITA, band from Paris, making punk with ska part and Latino sound! One album too.
LES BOMBARDIERS, skinhead band from Bordeaux, playing big street-punk, like the 80's, to CAMERA SILENS to KOMINTERN SECT! One CD.
http://bombardiers.free.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/bombardiers
BRIGITTE BOP, band from Orléans, ans playing than more 10 years, with a 77 punk-rock. They make several albums.
ADRIFT, they're punks from Besançon, and play hard and loud, like VARUKERS bands! One album available.
http://www.adrift.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/adrifthxcpunk
CORE Y GANG, it's fast punk from Britain, with a violin for the Celtic touch! Near MASS MURDERES or MELMOR! One or two albums.
TANKER CHAOS, another brutal punk from Besançon! They have one 10".
KAWAII rds, is my label! Many oldschool HC, but some crust and hip-hop too, and really international. More 20 releases: CHAROGNE STONE, KIDS ON THE MOVE, CALAVERA, GEEKS…
http://www.kawaiirecords.com http://www.myspace.com/kawaiirecords
EMERGENCE rds, cool diy label, with crust, fastcore or emo bands! CHAROGNE STONE, RAVI, YOUSSOUF TODAY… At least 20 releases.
MALOKA, great diy anarcho label from Dijon! They've many releases, about punk, ska, oi, hip-hop, crust… CARTOUCHE, LECSA PUNK, VISION OF WAR, ATAXIA…
CRAPOULET is a recent label from Paris, in the same way of KAWAII! International and diy punk hardcore, like COMON ENEMY, TROUBLE EVERY DAY, BY MY FIST…
http://www.crapoulet.fr http://www.myspace.com/crapouletrecords
WEEWEE is total diy hardcore, and make many co-releases, like TEKKEN, CHAROGNE STONE, MONARCH, KEN PARK…
MASS PRODUCTION, is total punk-rock label with more 40 releases!! INNER TERRESTRIAL, TV MEN, NEVROTIC EXPLOSION, LES APACHES…
SHOW ME YOUR TITS, this cool label make total grind-porn stuff and some hardcore crust releases! DISPUTES, LOWFAT, VULVULATOR…
http://smytrec.extra.hu/ http://www.myspace.com/showmeyourtitsrecords
TAM89 is amazing label, with only exotic punk bands, from Iran, China, Nepal, ex-URSS… Support or die!!
DARBOUKA is the little brother of TAM89, with releases from Colombia, Bolivia, Panama…
ETERNALIS make good modern oldschool HC stuff, like BACKSIGHT, FIRST FAILURE or REVICE!
http://eternalisrecords.free.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/eternalisrecords
BONES BRIGADE make brutal grindcore and some death-metal stuff!! BLOCKHEADS, TOTAL FUCKING DESTRUCTION, DROWING…
http://www.bonesbrigaderecords.com/ http://www.myspace.com/bonesrecords
SHOGUN make many chaotic crust, fastcore stuffs, like SUBMERGE, STRONG AS TEN, NAB, SICK TERROR… Amazing distro too!
FZM, various and politised label, with punk, anarcho, hip-hop, crust… BERURIERS NOIR, CALAVERA, MON DRAGON, LUCRATE MILK…
LES NAINS AUSSI, diy label, with some bands from South America, hardcore, crust, anarcho… LOS DOLARES, MIGRA VIOLENTA, ALTERCADO…
REJUVENATION, cool label with some hardcore, noise, emo, post-HC… UNLOGISTIC, CUSTUMER, MICROFILM, AGHAST…
http://www.rejuvenationrecords.com/ http://www.myspace.com/rejuvenationrecords
SOLITUDE URBAINE, is a street-punk and oi label. They release NABAT, BRIXTON CATS, LOS FOIROS…
STONEHENGE, great anarcho emo punk label, with HYACINTH, TO WHAT END, URANUS, BALLAST…
AU FOND DE L'IMPASSE, cool diy distro, with many fastcore stuff!
UNDISLESSED, insane label, with more 40 co-releases about crust, grind, fastcore… SICK TERROR, DESASTRE, DREAD 101…
CHIMERE, make cool stuff, grind, anarchopunk, sludge… MONARCH, LA FRACTION, HHM…
WE'RE GONNA FIGHT, this zine is write in English, and speak about anarcho, punk, oi, hc scene from Asia and South America in majority! Political, sXe, vegan, and international!!! He write KEPALA ESKORBUTA, similar zine, but in french, and just make a newsletter in Spanish!
MONONOKE, is my zine! I try too speak about international scene, hc, punk, hip-hop, oi, bands and label, reviews about manga and movies…
dc.fury@wanadoo.fr http://mononokezine.kawaiirecords.com/
APATRIDE, girl write this zine, and speak abour oi, street-punk, anarcho, r'n'r…
birdacrete@hotmail.com http://anarkopunk.free.fr/
PLUS QUE DES MOTS, great new diy zine, various and personal. The guy make a cool distro too!
young_gifted@hotmail.fr http://plusquedesmots.free.fr/
PERSPECTIVE, zine writing by a girl, and speak about fastcore! And a distro too!!
wbstyn@hotmail.com http://perso.orange.fr/perspectiverecs/RSPECT2.htm
BARRICATA, great zine from the RASH! About street-punk, hc, class war, political…
rashparis@hotmail.com http://contre.propagande.org/
BRA, another RASH zine, with oi, ska, skinhead culture, politic…
RATCHARGE total diy punk hardcore as fuck, like the 80's!
DEVIANCE, punk as fuck and crust zine!
HEY YOU, zine about hardcore, oldschool and NHYC, and some hip-hop too!
TWSheyyou@hotmail.com http://punkonline.propagande.org/heyyou/
UP THE ZINE, this zine speak and interview only others zines! Cool idea!
GONNA MAKE IT, cool diy and international hardcore zine!
vegan3@hotmail.com http://www.myspace.com/gmixzine
CRUCIAL ACTION, this zine is a dedication to the oldschool hardcore and youthXcrew! Beautiful layout! And a distro too!
mattxenemy@hotmail.com http://crucialxaction.free.fr/
UNE VIE POUR RIEN, it's a cool skinzine, with many info from East country, beautiful layout!
http://www.uvpr.fr/ http://www.myspace.com/uvpr
DIMWIT, total diy zine, with fastcore, dbeat, crust and personal text! Nice guy!
BURNOUT, just an amazing zine, with many thing, grind, chaos, screamo… and tons of review!
SEDITION, pro but diy zine, with hc, crust, grind…
THANX FOR NOTHING, really fun zine, speak about oldschool HC!
If you need more info, postal adress… just contact me here:

HANTARKAN APA JUGA DI ungu_utarid@yahoo.com
HANTARKAN APA JUGA DI ungu_utarid@yahoo.com
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
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hardcore pride..yeah..
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How do you convert it? Why itunes brings this foolishness? I didn't like ipods at all! They simple stuck and suck!
What is that drm that I loose converting my itunes to mp3?
thanks in advance!
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